Frequently Asked Questions

We do all we can to try and take pressure off at each visit and we use testing (like muscle strength or range of motion) to measure changes. There are lots of different techniques we can try to get an immediate positive change.

Most patients can feel a change immediately but many won't know for 24 to 48 hours. Every step of the way we ask you and want you to tell us how your feeling, and how your going.

Not necessarily – we do more of what is helping the most and less of what isn’t. That is why we have a lot of different techniques to choose from to help take pressure off at each visit.

The literature, clinic experience and what has worked or not on you before help to determine what treatment or therapy may work best. Your history of the complaint, physical examination and knowledge about common problems help to determine what is wrong and how to go about fixing it and preventing recurrences. Your responses to treatment then fine tunes your personal treatment plan. Everyone is an individual so as far as possible we tailor our treatments to suit you.

No. Our goal is to relieve your problem & build your strength so you don’t need to come back and back. Of course it may take some time to get strong and we welcome you back as often as needed to help you get there and with any other problems down the track.

Many people with a proven history of relapse choose to visit regularly. You are welcome to do this however I will continue to encourage you to, where possible, do more self care like working at the right exercises, nutrition, and mental attitude.

No. We monitor you at each visit and change our recommendation for the next visit based on the results so far. Generally it is about weekly at first then spacing out.

This largely depends on what is wrong and on your vitality. Bear in mind that the body takes time to heal andbuild strength. If you cut your skin it takes time to heal doesn't it?

A sprain or strain is much like a cut but inside the body. If the stress of your new shoes gives you a blister, doesn't it take longer to heal if you keep wearing the same shoes?

It's the same thing with other injuries and dysfunction – sometimes we have to change what and how we are doing things.

Fortunately, excepting those with some serious illness, we can all build vitality if we are prepared to do the work!

  • Technique: Mainly hands on approaches (massage, mobilisation, stretch, strengthen, retrain movement patterns). Encourage patients to move, eat right, think right, and do the exercises.
  • Components: Full history, physical examination, means of assessment, treatment, lifestyle advice, home exercises and stretches, listen, inspire and re-assess (about an hour - $100). Similar at follow-ups (generally about a week apart – $90).
  • I treat the lesion and pain but mostly also look at the whole body as a kinematic chain, include a diet/nutritional discussion and I promote mental wellbeing and stress reduction especially through exercise.
  • Spinal Manipulation/Adjustment is rarely used.
  • I promptly discharge/refer the patient if they are fixed, are out of my scope, or they don't improve.
  • I am Pro Vaccination: The supporting evidence is overwhelming (my children are fully vaccinated).
  • Needless spinal X-Rays are not useful: Although licensed to, it would be very unusual for me to order spinal X-Rays. I generally refer the patient to their GP for more useful diagnostic investigations if required (U/S,CT, MRI etc).
  • The Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC): The traditional Chiropractic "big idea" that removing VSC'sthrough 'adjustment' restores proper nerve function that controls every cell of the body and cures all disease is considered by me to be historic dogma largely based on cognitive and confirmation bias. This idea sprang up in the era of bloodletting, blistering, purgatives, and homeopathy at the turn of the centaury and I consider it a historical concept.
  • "Maintenance Care": This is the practice of regular “adjustments” to correct VSC’s thereby preventingdisease and improving health. I don't do this practice due to lack of unbiased quality evidence. However I do long term (months to years) rehabilitation plans focused on building core strength, fittness and vitality - "wellness". The therapy is are based on right thinking, right nutrition and right exercise. And by right I mean what works for you - to reach your potential and strive for your goals.
    Chiropractic is a panacea: Unfortunatly it is not. Using the integrative I refer to the GP if I suspect systemic or sinister conditions. Common examples include, poly-arthritides, auto-immune / inflammatory processes, thyroid and hormonal dysfunction, anaemia, and significant microbial infections. Regular appropriate exercise however is a powerful tool for promoting overall health, longevity and "wellness". The literature is clear that movement and exercise has non-musculoskeletal benefits including as a stress reduction strategy, helps normalise weight and lowers the probability of many diseases.
  • As a Nurse and a Chiro I support the use of regulated and prescribed medications when necessary. They are part of my patient history and review of each client and if I suspect any regime issue/problems I referto the GP for review.
  • To control minor inflammation I occasionally recommend OTC medication including oral and topical anti-inflammatory or recommend reputable anti-inflammatory neutoceuticals for the patient to try. For serious or sinister inflammation and/or pain I refer to the GP.
  • Dietary supplements in my opinion are generally not as useful as a sensible diet of mainly whole food. I strongly discourage the very common diets of processed, sugary, non-fibrous foods consumed in excess to metabolic needs.
    Balanced nutrition of mainly brightly coloured lightly cooked or raw seasonal whole foods with plenty of fibre (pre-biotics) with adequate hydration and variety is best.
  • Surgery is a great option for clearly visualised injury or if conservative therapy fails. I've seen some awful knees and hips and the difference to the whole body after prosthetic replacement is generally spectacular!

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   Address: 3 Kandoo Street, Pacific Paradise, QLD, 4564


